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Claire Chang (Executive Director of Banyan Tree Gallery)

Claire Chang

Executive Director of Banyan Tree Gallery

Claire Chiang is a social activist, entrepreneur and author. She was Singapore’s Woman of the Year in 1999, and a former nominated member of parliament. Married to Ho Kwon Ping, president of the Wah Chang/Thai Wah group of companies, she is executive director of Banyan Tree Gallery. Her business acumen led her to break the long-standing tradition of an all-male Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, when she became one of the first two women to be admitted to the organisation in 1995. Notwithstanding her achievements, Chiang remains down-to-earth. She actively advocates for women’s rights, family life and the disadvantaged in society.

Claire Chiang是一位社会活动家,企业家和作家。她是1999年新加坡的年度女性, 也是前国会议员。与Banyan Tree集团总裁何光平结婚,她是Banyan Tree Gallery 的执行董事。她的商业头脑让她打破了全男性新加坡中华总商会的悠久传统,当时 她成为1995年第一批入选该组织的女性之一。尽管她的成就,Claire依然脚踏实地 。她积极主张妇女权利,家庭生活和社会弱势群体。

Renyung Ho (Co-Founder of MATTER)

Renyung Ho

Co-Founder of MATTER

Renyung is passionate about collaborations, co-creation and building enabling platforms. Her extensive work and travel overseas coupled with an academic background in social entrepreneurship fuel a continual dedication to enterprises with impact. She recently co-founded MATTER, a socially motivated lifestyle label that focuses on bridging the gap for artisans in Asia. In a voluntary capacity, she also serves as a Board Member of Young Professionals Group Singapore, as well as co-Organiser for Creative Mornings Singapore. Renyung is on the panel discussion together with her mother Ms. Claire Chang to speak about family business legacy.

Renyung热衷于合作,共同创造和构建平台。她广泛的海外工作和出国旅游,加上 社会创业学术背景,为有影响力的企业提供持续的奉献。她最近共同创办了 MATTER,这是一个社会动机的生活方式品牌,专注于缩小亚洲工匠的差距。她还 以自愿的身份担任新加坡青年专业人员组织的董事会成员,并担任Creative Morn- ings Singapore的联合主办人。 Renyung与她的母亲Claire Chang女士一起参加了 小组讨论,讨论家族企业遗留问题

Rosaline Koo (Founder of CXA Group)

Rosaline Koo

Founder of CXA Group

Frustrated by the lack of technology to meet unaddressed client pain points, Rosaline invest- ed $5M of her savings and borrowed another $5M to build CXA. Now CXA has 500 corpo- rate clients across 20 countries in Asia and is valued at more than $100m with $33M in VC funding. CXA has won innovation awards in HR, Healthcare and Insurance and was awarded Women Entrepreneur of the Year.
Rosaline supervised Procter & Gamble factory lines in Iowa and then worked at Bankers Trust on Wall Street. She launched two dot-com start-ups before moving to ACE insurance. Rosaline also grew Mercer Marsh Benefits' 14 APAC countries 800% over 8 years. She grad- uated from UCLA Cybernetics and Columbia Business School.

由于缺乏技术来解决未解决的客户痛点,Rosalind投资了500万美元的储蓄,并借 了500万美元来建立CXA。现在CXA在亚洲20个国家拥有500家企业客户,价值超 过1亿美元,风险投资资金为3300万美元。 CXA在人力资源,医疗保险和保险领域 获得创新奖,并被授予年度女企业家奖
Rosaline在爱荷华州监督Procter&Gamble工厂生产线,然后在华尔街的Bankers Trust工作。在转向ACE保险之前,她推出了两家网络初创公司。 8年来,Rosaline 也增加了Mercer Marsh Benefits的14个亚太地区国家800%。她毕业于加州大学洛 杉矶分校控制论和哥伦比亚商学院。

Anand Chulani

Anand Chulani

After having the honor of being trained personally by motivational guru, Anthony Robbins, internation- al speaker, leadership & peak performance coach & legacy advisor, Anand Chulani created the "peak performance pyramid" model, a system designed to continuously activate & empower leaders, teams and organizations in business, sport and entertainment to perform at their peak consistently, create a lasting legacy and achieve success...on their terms. Since the key to any organization is the psychology of its leadership (success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics), Chulani offers organizations a chance to create leaders who have the tools to get the best out of their talent, raise the standards of their team and take the organization to the next level.
So far, Chulani has worked as a strategic consultant and coach with CEOs and senior leadership of For- tune 500 companies and elite family businesses in India such as Hero Motocorp, Google, Disney, WIPRO, Airtel, Reliance, Exonn Mobil, Credit Suisse, Cisco Systems, Toshiba, Turner Broadcasting, or- ganizations such as YPO International and the International Association of Hostage Negotiators. His average rating with YPO events & forums all over Asia, Africa ranges from 9-9.87 and he recently scored the highest rating out of any speaker at a program in Goa recently.
A regular guest on Bloomberg on peak performance and emotional fitness, Chulani has had the privi- lege of working with CEOs of Fortune 500 companies as well as athletes and eminent leaders in sport such as Yuvraj Singh, Rohit Sharma, Ross Taylor, 8-time Grand Slam champion and Olympic Gold Medalist, Serena Williams, former UFC light-weight champion, Chuck Liddell and Hall of Fame NBA coach and his 2012 CHAMPIONSHIP WINNING TEAM, THE MIAMI HEAT, Pat Riley as well as leaders in entertainment, fashion and business such as Hugh Jackman (XMEN), Donald Trump, Donna Karan and Sir Anthony Hopkins. He has shared the stage with other elite speakers such as Jack Canfield at the Nehru Center in Mumbai ("Chicken Soup of the Soul, Secret") and Anthony Robbins ("Awaken the Giant Within"). He has also coached 2 teams in the IPL for the last two seasons and helped them achieve their highest number of wins in franchise history.
Chulani is also building a premier leadership academy for children and youth through his foundation, LOL (League of Leaders) and has now reached over 50,000 young people from over 30 countries. He has spoken at institutions such as Stanford University, Georgetown University, HR College in Mumbai as well as over 8 TEDx talks all over Asia.

在获得激励专家Anthony Robbins的亲自培训后,Anand Chulani创建了“峰值性能金字 塔”模型,该系统旨在不断激活和赋予领导者,团队和领导力商业,体育和娱乐组织在 持续高峰期表现出色,创造持久的传统,并以他们的条件取得成功。由于任何组织的 关键是其领导的心理(成功是80%的心理学和20%的机制),丘拉尼为组织提供了一 个机会来创建领导者,他们拥有能够充分利用自己才能的工具,提高他们的标准团队 和把组织提高到一个新的水平。
到目前为止,Chulani曾担任战略顾问和教练,包括Hero Motocorp,谷歌,迪士尼, WIPRO,Airtel,Reliance,Exonn Mobil,瑞士信贷,思科系统等财富500强企业和精 英家族企业的首席执行官和高级领导。东芝,特纳广播公司,YPO International和国 际人质谈判协会等组织。他在亚洲,非洲的YPO活动和论坛的平均评分范围为9-9.87 ,最近他在近期在果阿的一个节目中的演讲者中获得了最高评分。
作为彭博社的一名常客,他在峰会表现和情绪健康方面表现出色,他擅长与财富500 强公司的首席执行官以及体育界的运动员和着名领袖如Yuvraj Singh,Rohit Sharma, 罗斯泰勒,8次大满贯冠军和奥运金牌得主Serena Williams,前UFC轻量级冠军Chuck Liddell和名人堂NBA教练以及他的2012年冠军得主团队,迈阿密热火,Pat Riley以及娱 乐,时尚和商业领域的领导者,如休杰克曼(XMEN),唐纳德特朗普,唐娜卡兰和 安东尼霍普金斯爵士。他与孟买尼赫鲁中心的杰克坎菲尔德(“灵魂的鸡汤”)和安东 尼罗宾斯(“唤醒巨人内心”)等其他精英演讲者共享舞台。过去两个赛季,他还在IPL 执教过两支球队,并帮助他们在特许经营历史中获得最高胜率。
丘拉尼还通过他的基金会为儿童和青年建立了一流的领导学院,LOL(领导联盟), 现在已经覆盖30多个国家的50,000多名年轻人。他曾在斯坦福大学,乔治敦大学,美 国人力资源学院等机构发表演讲孟买以及全亚洲8个以上的TEDx会谈。

Prof. Annie Koh (Member at World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Regional Governance)

Prof. Annie Koh

Member at World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Regional Governance

A notable conference speaker, panel moderator and commentator, Annie is a member of the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Regional Governance and, a board member of Family Firm Institute, Inc. In addition, she chairs the finance and investment committee of GovTech Singapore Board, and the Asian Bond Fund 2 Supervisory Committee of Monetary Authority of Singapore. She is appointed board member of Sin- gapore’s Central Provident Fund since 2012 and serves on the SkillsFuture HR Sectoral Tripartite Committee, HR Certification Taskforce. Annie is also an independent director of k1 Ventures Ltd, and lead independent director of Health Management International Ltd. She also advises a number of startup firms such as JEDTrade, Stashaway and Staff-on-Demand.

Annie教授是世界经济论坛全球未来地区治理委员会的成员,也是家族企业研究所 的董事会成员。此外,她还担任GovTech新加坡金融与投资委员会主席新加坡金融 管理局亚洲债券基金2监督委员会。自2012年起,她被任命为新加坡中央储备基金 的董事会成员,并担任未来人力资源部门三方小组委员会人力资源认证工作组的成 员。 Annie还是k1 Ventures Ltd的独立董事,并担任健康管理国际有限公司的独立 董事。她还为JEDTrade,Stashaway和Staff-on-Demand等众多创业公司提供咨询 。

Violet Lim (Co-Founder of Lunch Actually Group)

Violet Lim

Co-Founder of Lunch Actually Group

Lunch Actually is Asia’s biggest premier lunch dating company with offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Jakarta and Bangkok. Together with Jamie, Violet also founded esync to fill the gap in the market for trusted online and offline dating service platforms, LunchClick, the dating app for serious singles to help them meet offline as soon as possible, as well as Lunch Actually Academy, the date coaching service to maximize singles’ dating success.

Lunch Actually是亚洲最大的顶级午餐约会公司,在新加坡,香港,吉隆坡,槟城 ,雅加达和曼谷设有办事处。 Violet与Jamie一起创立了esync,以填补市场上值 得信赖的在线和离线约会服务平台的缺口,LunchClick,严肃单身的约会应用程 序,以帮助他们尽快下线,以及Lunch Actually Academy最新的教练服务,以最 大限度地提高单身约会的成功。

Frank Phuan Co (Founder and CEO of Sunseap Group Pte Ltd)

Frank Phuan Co

Founder and CEO of Sunseap Group Pte Ltd

Frank belongs to the second generation of a solar industry business that has been established for over 35 years. Together with his team, Frank helped grow a 5-men operation in Singapore to a 100-staff regional busi- ness spanning across regions including Singapore, Malaysia, India, Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines and Aus- tralia.
Frank has over 20 years of experience in the industry and has led numerous projects and public speeches in- volving solar systems technologies, sustainability strategy, green buildings and infrastructure, greenhouse gas emission reduction, solar farm and rooftop solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) projects across Asia Pa- cific. Frank also played a key role in the engineering and reduction of the levelised cost of solar energy in Sin- gapore.
A seasoned entrepreneur, Frank also spent time in marketing & advertising, information technology, as well as food & beverage industries. Frank was awarded the distinguished Nanyang Outstanding Young Alumni Award 2014, the prestigious Entrepreneur of the Year Award (EYA) 2015, and the PVSEC Special Award in 2016 in recognition of his contribution to the growth of the photovoltaic industrial technology in Singapore. He is also a member on the NTU College of Engineering Advisory Board.

Frank属于已经建立了35年以上的第二代太阳能产业企业。弗兰克和他的团队一 起帮助在新加坡成立了一个拥有100名员工的跨地区业务的新加坡,马来西亚,印 度,柬埔寨,泰国,菲律宾和澳大利亚的5人公司。
Frank在该行业拥有超过20年的经验,并领导过涉及太阳能系统技术,可持续发 展战略,绿色建筑和基础设施,温室气体减排,太阳能农场和全亚洲屋顶太阳能 购买协议(PPA)项目的众多项目和公开演讲。太平洋。弗兰克在新加坡工程和 降低太阳能平准化成本方面也发挥了关键作用。
作为一位经验丰富的企业家,弗兰克还花时间在市场营销和广告,信息技术以及 食品和饮料行业。 Frank荣获2014年杰出的南洋杰出青年校友奖,2015年度着名 的年度企业家奖(EYA),以及2016年PVSEC特别奖,以表彰他对新加坡光伏工业 技术发展的贡献。他还是台大工程学院咨询委员会的成员。

Dr. Marvin Tan (Director and CFO of Jing King Tech)

Dr. Marvin Tan

Director and CFO of Jing King Tech

Jing King Tech Group is a group of AI-based technology and secured data management companies. The group manages and/or utilises transactional and imagery data to allow our customers to run their processes more securely, automatically and efficiently. The 3 main pillars of businesses are secured data handling, AI-based technology and fintech. We have 18 offices that operate our R&D, sales and production across Sin- gapore, China and Hong Kong, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar and Philippines. We serve mainly the B.I.G cus- tomers; Banks, Insurance companies and Government Agencies.
Dr. Marvin Tan has guided the JK Tech Group of Companies as the Group Chief Financial Officer for over 10 years and is currently an owner and Executive Director for JK Tech Group. He manages the strategic rela- tionship and direction within and outside the Group in all the countries we are operating in.

精工科技集团是一家人工智能科技及安全数据处理公司。利用交易数据和视屏数 据,集团通过人工智能技术为客户提供安全及自动化增值服务。 集团主要的三大 业务为安全数据处理,人工智能科技和金融科技平台。公司已在新加坡,中国, 香港, 泰国,越南,缅甸及菲利宾落地。服务的行业为银行,保险公司及政府机 构。
陈展文博士指导JK Tech集团公司担任集团首席财务官超过10年,目前是JK Tech Group的所有者和执行董事。他管理集团在不同国家内外的战略关系和方向。

Winnie Chan (Founder and CEO of Bynd Artisan)

Winnie Chan

Founder and CEO of Bynd Artisan

Winnie Chan is the CEO and Founder of Bynd Artisan, an experiential retail concept that collaborates with artis- tic talents, personalises paper and leather accessories and runs crafting workshops. An Economics graduate of University of California, Berkeley, Winnie has spearheaded strategic initiatives in areas of branding, manufacturing and human capital to spur growth and improve efficiency.
Founded in 2014, Bynd Artisan is the modern interpretation of Winnie’s grandfather’s traditional bookbinding business in the 1940s. Building on the craftsmen’s years of experience on the production floor, Ms Chan has revit- alised their roles, giving them a new lease of life by training them to multitask as both craft artisans and sales staff. She envisions the brand to inspire not just her team of craftsmen but also to reach out to the new generation via this tactile concept, which many have forsaken in the digital age.
In December 2016, Bynd Artisan was conferred Singapore’s most prestigious design accolade: President’s Design Award, Design of the Year - in recognition for its innovative design touch points. In 2017, Bynd Artisan was awarded Best Shopping Experience 2017 at the Singapore Tourism Awards. The brand was also cited by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in his May Day Rally Speech as a leading homegrown company that inspires local brands to continuously innovate.
Winnie is also a mentor at the prestigious Young Women Leaders Connection (YWLC) mentorship programme, which seeks to enhance potential young women leaders in their personal development and learning through a sustainable and fulfilling mentoring relationship.

Winnie Chan是Bynd Artisan的首席执行官和创始人。Bynd Artisan 是一个新体验式零售概念,与 艺术人才合作,个性化纸张和皮革配件以及运行制作工作坊。加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的经济 学毕业生Winnie率先在品牌,制造和人力资本领域开展战略行动以刺激增长并提高效率。
Bynd Artisan成立于2014年,是二十世纪四十年代Winnie祖父传统装订业务的现代诠释。Winnie 以 工匠在生产车间的多年经验为基础,振兴了他们的角色,通过培训他们作为工艺工匠和销售人员 的多任务,为他们带来了新的生机。她设想这个品牌不仅能够激励她的工匠团队,还能通过这个 触觉概念向数代时代的许多人抛弃新概念。
在2016年12月,Bynd Artisan荣获新加坡最负盛名的设计奖:总统设计奖,年度设计奖 - 以其创新 设计触点获得表彰。 2017年,Bynd Artisan在新加坡旅游奖颁奖典礼上荣获2017年度最佳购物体 验奖。李显龙总理在他的群众大会演讲中也引用了这个品牌,这是一家引领本土品牌不断创新的 领先本土公司。
Winnie 也是着名的年轻女性领导者联盟(YWLC)辅导计划的导师,该计划旨在通过可持续和充实 的辅导关系,提升潜在的年轻女性领导者的个人发展和学习能力。