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October 22 & 23, 2021 (PDT)

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Day 1

( 10/22/2021 )

Day 2

( 10/23/2021 )

Track 1

These are one of two or three possible sessions for each time period. Be sure to click on the other tracks to see the presentation descriptions.

8:30 AM

9:50 AM

Opening Session with Keynote
Ryan Zervakos, a Senior Relationship Manager at LinkedIn, will be presenting on how we can best guide our students in creating their LinkedIn profile. There are many features that will help our students not only market themselves but also search for jobs in the LinkedIn profile area. You will be amazed at some of the statistics that will be provided on the use of LinkedIn.

Our students need this tool for future employment and networking, and it is one way we can assist them with their success.

10:00 AM

10:50 AM

12 Simple Ways to Supercharge Your Retirement
The session will discuss the 11 most important investment decisions an investor must make. For many investors each of these decisions has a million dollar payoff. The presentation will help investors decide how much they should have in stocks and bonds, as well as helping them identify the funds that are likely to make the best returns. Most of these decisions impact investors who are in the accumulation stage as well as those reaching or in retirement.

11:00 AM

11:50 AM

Speed Share
Join this fast-paced session to share one of your favorite assignment/activities in your subject area (5-10 min.) and gain some new ideas from your peers as well.

12:00 PM

1:20 PM

Exhibitor Breakout Rooms/Lunch Break
Our exhibitors, Hello Digital Ed, Stukent, Paradigm Education Solutions, Labyrinth Learning, and Rubin, will be in breakout rooms for discussions regarding their products. Grab some lunch and join them to discuss what they can provide for your classroom.

1:30 PM

2:20 PM

Canvas Tips & Tricks
Ever think there might be a better way to design your course in Canvas? There could be! Come and learn some tips and tricks that will help you create more than a "Canvas Shell."

2:30 PM

3:20 PM

Target Date Funds: America's #1 Retirement Investment
This session will discuss the history and the pros and cons of target date funds. Not all TDFs are alike. The session will help investors select the best TDF fund for their needs as well as showing how the addition of one more fund may add 50% or more in retirement distributions. The session will also discuss other one fund solutions that an investor could use for life. For those who are a little more adventuresome I will show investors how to make higher returns by building their own target da...
This session will discuss the history and the pros and cons of target date funds. Not all TDFs are alike. The session will help investors select the best TDF fund for their needs as well as showing how the addition of one more fund may add 50% or more in retirement distributions. The session will also discuss other one fund solutions that an investor could use for life. For those who are a little more adventuresome I will show investors how to make higher returns by building their own target date portfolio.
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3:30 PM

4:20 PM

Letting Go: Creating Student-driven, Industry-recognized CTE Learning Experiences
See what happens when teachers allow students to operate and manage their own learning and teachers guide students' discovery process of creating, launching and managing a student-run business in a digital global economy of 7,500 companies. Participants will experience what this transformational “letting go” process looks like in Virtual Enterprises (VE) and gain application tips for all classrooms.

5:00 PM

6:00 PM

Past Presidents and Supporters Reception
Join us to network and visit with CBEA's former leaders and supporters! Since we are virtual this year, it is the perfect opportunity to join the reception.

You don't need to register for the conference to attend.

๏ปฟSet a reminder, and then on October 22, grab your favorite beverage and join us--we want to see you! E-mail if you need the Zoom link. (

Track 2

These are one of two or three possible sessions for each time period. Be sure to click on the other tracks to see the presentation descriptions.

8:30 AM

9:50 AM

Opening Session with Keynote
Ryan Zervakos, a Senior Relationship Manager at LinkedIn, will be presenting on how we can best guide our students in creating their LinkedIn profile. There are many features that will help our students not only market themselves but also search for jobs in the LinkedIn profile area. You will be amazed at some of the statistics that will be provided on the use of LinkedIn.

Our students need this tool for future employment and networking, and it is one way we can assist them with their success.

10:00 AM

10:50 AM

Bringing Ethics into the Classroom (Tammy Cyrus)
Ethical decision making is hard. Research shows that ethical decision-making can be taught. Come learn about the three stages of moral development and the free resources that are available from the Daniels Fund High School Ethics Initiative to bring ethics into the classroom or offer as a stand-alone course.

11:00 AM

11:50 AM

Reaching Through the Screen to Develop a Community of Online Learners (Michelle Estes)
Online instruction is remote, but it doesnโ€™t have to be distant. Educators can cultivate and build healthy relationships and a strong sense of community teaching in a synchronous online classroom. The medium may be different, but the important partsโ€”you and the studentsโ€”are still there. Join Paradigm's Director of Professional Learning, Michelle Estes, to gain essential principles and practices for teaching online. With creative thinking, curiosity, and courage, you can discover your excitement ...
Online instruction is remote, but it doesn’t have to be distant. Educators can cultivate and build healthy relationships and a strong sense of community teaching in a synchronous online classroom. The medium may be different, but the important parts—you and the students—are still there. Join Paradigm's Director of Professional Learning, Michelle Estes, to gain essential principles and practices for teaching online. With creative thinking, curiosity, and courage, you can discover your excitement for teaching online and make a positive impact on students’ learning and success.
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12:00 PM

1:20 PM

Exhibitor Breakout Rooms/Lunch Break
Our exhibitors, Hello Digital Ed, Stukent, Paradigm Education Solutions, Labyrinth Learning, and Rubin, will be in breakout rooms for discussions regarding their products. Grab some lunch and join them to discuss what they can provide for your classroom.

1:30 PM

2:20 PM

Discover CTE TEACH, Mentoring Tools for New CTE Teachers
Come take a stroll through the new mentoring context. With the tools, resources and events provided by CTE TEACH you can build a culture for teaching Career Technical Education according to industry and education standards. Learn how to utilize CTE TEACH as your one-stop-shop for growing capacity in CTE mentors, network with other LEAs and school districts across the state, and substantiate CTE for the benefit of your students. Attend this session to build a roadmap for recruiting and retaining ...
Come take a stroll through the new mentoring context. With the tools, resources and events provided by CTE TEACH you can build a culture for teaching Career Technical Education according to industry and education standards. Learn how to utilize CTE TEACH as your one-stop-shop for growing capacity in CTE mentors, network with other LEAs and school districts across the state, and substantiate CTE for the benefit of your students. Attend this session to build a roadmap for recruiting and retaining high quality CTE Teachers in your district, and help your CTE Programs be part of the biggest show on your campuses.
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2:30 PM

3:20 PM

CTE Online - an Overview
This presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of the CTE Online platform. CTE Online is a free resource that contains over 4000 lesson plans, 130 sample course outlines and 300 PBL projects over 15 industry sectors. This presentation will guide prospective (and current) users through the site, from creating an account to accessing the resources that CTE Online has to offer.

3:30 PM

4:20 PM

Leadership in Higher Education
During this session, we explore methods for leadership in higher education. Everyone in the education profession can lead from their respective positions. After this session you will be able to Identify how you can lead outside your daily responsibilities. The purpose of this session is to provide you with useful insight on how to improve your leadership skills, as well as identify and develop leaders that will impact your campus/classroom culture.

Track 3

These are one of two or three possible sessions for each time period. Be sure to click on the other tracks to see the presentation descriptions.

8:30 AM

9:50 AM

Opening Session with Keynote
Ryan Zervakos, a Senior Relationship Manager at LinkedIn, will be presenting on how we can best guide our students in creating their LinkedIn profile. There are many features that will help our students not only market themselves but also search for jobs in the LinkedIn profile area. You will be amazed at some of the statistics that will be provided on the use of LinkedIn.

Our students need this tool for future employment and networking, and it is one way we can assist them with their success.

10:00 AM

10:50 AM

The Functional Formula
A carefully mixed combination of tried and true elements of a functional learning environment without the physical classroom. Focusing on live sessions, lab hours and using social elements in this formula. We will be exploring all of the elements that have been tried and true, take advantage of all of your resources and get your students to discuss, reflect and participate.

11:00 AM

11:50 AM

No Session

12:00 PM

1:20 PM

Exhibitor Breakout Rooms/Lunch Break

1:30 PM

2:20 PM

Work-Based Learning: Promoting WBL in our classrooms
We will provide an introduction and examples to work-based learning methods that allow students an opportunity to apply content while experiencing a real-world setting.

2:30 PM

3:20 PM

Making it real: Intentionally connecting business education to practice (Moronke Idiagbon-Oke, Ph.D., Allison Mason DBA , Randy Gibb Ph.D, and Helen G. Hammond, Ph.D.)
Business education was originally more practical, but over time, it has become more theoretical and an outlet to disseminate the latest methods and findings of research, thereby losing relevance to practitioners who are more interested in tangible outcomes rather than research papers that split hairs or have fancy statistical models. In fact, most schools now have now created a role titled "Professors of Practice", where industry practitioners come in to provide first-hand knowledge and experien...
Business education was originally more practical, but over time, it has become more theoretical and an outlet to disseminate the latest methods and findings of research, thereby losing relevance to practitioners who are more interested in tangible outcomes rather than research papers that split hairs or have fancy statistical models. In fact, most schools now have now created a role titled "Professors of Practice", where industry practitioners come in to provide first-hand knowledge and experience as a way of giving students the hands-on, experiential knowledge missing from business classes. It is time for business education to evolve once more, this time, reverting to its foundational origins. Based upon the foundations of "open-systems theory" and “institutional theory”, this presentation shows how a business school in the Southwest United States has intentionally revised its processes, goals, and curriculum to educate future leaders by equipping them with a new set of skills through an iterative process that intentionally includes practitioner feedback at various stages of the education cycle. Session attendees will walk out of this session with a road map of how to connect curriculum and practice by building programs around the needs of industry.
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3:30 PM

4:20 PM

5 Tips for Teaching an Awesome Social Media Class
Have you been asked to teach a social media class for the first time, or are you looking for some tips to take your social media class to the next level? These five expert tips will help you teach an awesome social media marketing class your students will love!

This presentation will give you new ideas for structuring your course and provide you with tips and tricks for staying current in the ever-changing social media world.

Track 1

These are one of two or three possible sessions for each time period. Be sure to click on the other tracks to see the presentation descriptions.

9:00 AM

9:50 AM

Invigorate your business program with projects and college credit
When colleges and universities are pursuing your business students, you know you have a strong program. In this session, youโ€™ll learn how project-based learning and accelerated content are interwoven to position students for success. Using a project currently being taught in the classroom as an example, participants will step through the classroom experience. This includes descriptions of how students master embedded learning standards through a combination of teamwork, varied learning resources...
When colleges and universities are pursuing your business students, you know you have a strong program. In this session, you’ll learn how project-based learning and accelerated content are interwoven to position students for success. Using a project currently being taught in the classroom as an example, participants will step through the classroom experience. This includes descriptions of how students master embedded learning standards through a combination of teamwork, varied learning resources, and business community interaction. Participants will leave project materials and information about the High School of Business program.
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10:00 AM

10:50 AM

Unlimited Opportunity: How Employability Skills Will Open Any Door and Knock Down Every Wall (Danny Rubin)
An email is more than a simple message. A phone call is more than a conversation into a rectangular device. And a resume is more than a standard component of a job application. Join Danny Rubin, author and founder of Rubin (online curriculum for employability skills), as he discusses why communication skills hold the keys to both college and career advancement. For example, if a student's email looks like a text message and contains no subject line, the employer may never respond. That's a lost ...
An email is more than a simple message. A phone call is more than a conversation into a rectangular device. And a resume is more than a standard component of a job application. Join Danny Rubin, author and founder of Rubin (online curriculum for employability skills), as he discusses why communication skills hold the keys to both college and career advancement. For example, if a student's email looks like a text message and contains no subject line, the employer may never respond. That's a lost opportunity. Simple as that. Our students must understand how to use their words to look their best -- in emails, on the phone, on a resume, in Zooms/Google Meets and beyond. Join Danny and learn to teach your CTE students how the most basic employability tasks contain the seeds of enormous potential.
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11:00 AM

11:50 AM

Google Workspace Basics
Participants will learn some basics of Google Workspace that will encourage engagement and efficiency in their everyday practice.

11:50 AM

12:50 PM

Lunch Break
Enjoy your lunch and then come back for our keynote and awards session at 1 p.m.

1:00 PM

2:30 PM

Keynote/Awards Recognition (Christine Janssen, Ph.D)
Christine Janssen, founder and CEO of Edstutia will be speaking on "Disrupting the Status Quo of Higher Education to Close the Skills Gap."According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are currently more than 10 million jobs available in the U.S. Some of the most challenging jobs to fill are tech-driven, such as CyberSecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Digital Marketing, Data Science & Analytics.How can educators do a better job at meeting the needs of the workplace?Wha...
Christine Janssen, founder and CEO of Edstutia will be speaking on "Disrupting the Status Quo of Higher Education to Close the Skills Gap."

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are currently more than 10 million jobs available in the U.S. Some of the most challenging jobs to fill are tech-driven, such as CyberSecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Digital Marketing, Data Science & Analytics.

How can educators do a better job at meeting the needs of the workplace?
What skills are needed to fill these jobs?
How do we better prepare students for jobs of tomorrow?

Higher Education is ripe for disruption. Let’s dive into ways we can educate the workforce of the future.

Awards Recognition to follow.
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Track 2

These are one of two or three possible sessions for each time period. Be sure to click on the other tracks to see the presentation descriptions.

9:00 AM

9:50 AM

How to Keep Your Business Curriculum Contemporary
Keeping technically-oriented business courses (such as digital marketing, personal finance and investments) is extremely challenging duringโ€œnormal times.โ€ Combining this with the requirements in teaching in classroom, online and hybrid environments during COVID created a virtually insurmountable task for many educators. A pilot of a contemporary, dynamically updated Introduction to Digital Marketing course was piloted with 140 students in California, Wisconsin and Illinois. This pilot was intent...
Keeping technically-oriented business courses (such as digital marketing, personal finance and investments) is extremely challenging during“normal times.” Combining this with the requirements in teaching in classroom, online and hybrid environments during COVID created a virtually insurmountable task for many educators. A pilot of a contemporary, dynamically updated Introduction to Digital Marketing course was piloted with 140 students in California, Wisconsin and Illinois. This pilot was intentionally conducted during the significant teaching challenges posed by COVID. The comprehensive course was delivered in classroom, online and hybrid environments. The findings from this pilot will be shared by university faculty, EdTech founder, serial entrepreneur and Amazon Best Seller Author, Dave Gee. Attendees will learn strategies to keep their curriculum transformative, engaging and pragmatic for today's business environment.
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10:00 AM

10:50 AM

Acrobat Tools
Acrobat is a powerful tool to design pdfs, particularly forms. Students can fill in worksheets with ease on their phone or computer when designed as a form. Come and discover how easy it is to create forms with Acrobat software.

11:00 AM

11:50 AM

Using Jamboard To Enhance Engagement and Collaboration in the Remote or Socially Distanced Classroom
The pandemic has created opportunities to use a variety of teaching and learning strategies to engage, connect, and motivate students. In the remote learning environment, I have used several cloud-based apps to actively engage students. As I move back into the socially distanced classroom, I find that I am using these same tools to engage students. One tool that I have used extensively is Google Jamboard. In this presentation, I will share ways that I have used Jamboard in remote and hybrid clas...
The pandemic has created opportunities to use a variety of teaching and learning strategies to engage, connect, and motivate students. In the remote learning environment, I have used several cloud-based apps to actively engage students. As I move back into the socially distanced classroom, I find that I am using these same tools to engage students. One tool that I have used extensively is Google Jamboard. In this presentation, I will share ways that I have used Jamboard in remote and hybrid classrooms, as well as share resources and ideas for using Jamboard in a variety of learning settings.
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