DLAI is proud to announce "Women in Fintech" Awards co-sponsored by Kapitaltech to honour women in the fintech world and we would like to invite nominations for the same.This would be part of the DLAI Conclave 2019.
DLAI Women in Fintech Award,is a formal recognition to recognise women in the fintech world, who have demonstrated excellence in the workplace.
A little about the competition. The awards have been set up to celebrate and acknowledge current and future women leaders, who exhibit the spirit of entrepreneurship, innovation, and excellence and we hope to make it an annual affair. According to the World Bank Group, several studies have held that gender diversity in the boardroom leads to more efficiently and effectively run organizations, a reduced exposure to risks of corruption and fraud and, importantly, improved profit margins and return on equity.DLAI firmly believes in this ethos, and keeping the same in mind, we have in association with Kapitattech introduced the Women in Fitech Award.
Criteria for the Award
The award will recognise women workers who have shown outstanding achievement in their field and companies which have show commitment and vision on ensuring equal opportunity for diversified work force hiring. The award categories include :
Scoring for the award
Fintech Disruptor of the year
Fintech Business Leader of the Year (for non-founder CXOs)
Fintech Entrepreneur of the year - each carry 2, or 5 or 10 marks based on the criteria
Workforce diversity award each carry 2, or 5 or 10 marks based on the criteria
Nomination Process
Employees or groups of employees, of fintech employees, may nominate employees, by submitting their nominations at https://dlai.eventbank.com/event/12671/register/. The event is open for all , except DLAI executive committee members . You can apply in multiple categories
Last Date for Submission
The last date for submission is 8th June, 2019
Selection Process
A jury (to be announced) will select the companies, among the nominations received.
Awards Presentation and Ceremony
Click Here to apply
Click Here to apply