NMSA Technical Committee Breakfast
NMSA Technical Committee Sessions
NMSA Technical Committee Lunch
NMSA Technical Committee Business Meeting (Closed to the Public)
NMSA Board Meeting
Welcome Reception with Exhibitors
Breakfast, sponsored by SSA Marine
Opening Remarks and “State of NMSA” presentation with Carl Bentzel, Executive Director, NMSA
Welcome from the Port of New Orleans with Beth Branch, President and CEO, Port of New Orleans
  • Beth Branch (President + CEO of Port of New Orleans)

    Beth Branch

    President + CEO of Port of New Orleans
Designing and Implementing Effective Workforce Safety Training with Al Weeks, Director of Safety/Training, CFS & Labor Relations South Atlantic & Gulf Coast, US Maritime Alliance (USMX)
Exhibitor Presentations
Morning Break with Exhibitors
Behavioral Health ComponentsHow Positive Mental and Physical Health Directly Contribute a Safe Workforce with Tona Trondsen, President, Workplace Safety Screenings
  • Tona Trondsen (Founder and CEO of Workplace Safety Screenings)

    Tona Trondsen

    Founder and CEO of Workplace Safety Screenings
Ensuring the Safe Use of Equipment
Lunch sponsored by Cooper/Ports America
Developing Leadership at all Levels to Promote a Safety Culture with Christopher Hammond, Secretary-Treasurer, ILA Local 3000; Blaine Ehrlich, President, M&R ILA Local 2036 and Robert Henkel, Regional Vice President Cruise, SSA Marine
Robert HenkelNick Jumonville
  • Robert Henkel (Regional Vice President Cruise at SSA Marine Cruise Division)

    Robert Henkel

    Regional Vice President Cruise at SSA Marine Cruise Division
  • Nick Jumonville (Vice President, Labor Relations - New Orleans at WGMA)

    Nick Jumonville

    Vice President, Labor Relations - New Orleans at WGMA
Exhibitor Presentations
Afternoon Break with Exhibitors
Fire Response in the Marine Environment with Amy Dawson, Emergency Management Director, Port of New Orleans
Danny Simon
  • Danny Simon (Captain / Special Operations Coordinator at New Orleans Fire Department)

    Danny Simon

    Captain / Special Operations Coordinator at New Orleans Fire Department
Awards Reception, sponsored by USMX
Awards Dinner, featuring Wylie Davidson who will present "Leaving a Safety Legacy" (Advanced Ticket Purchase Required)

Join us for NMSA's annual Awards Dinner featuring amazingly talented Wylie Davidson who will speak about
Leaving a Safety Legacy.

Wylie Davidson is a motivational speaker and safety culture specialist from Buffalo NY. His ability to energize audiences while getting them to rethink their own personal safety values has been an effective resource with hundreds of companies at facilities all over the US, Canada and Mexico.

His unique ability to add fun and humor to a safety message have made him a desired speaker with companies looking to reset their own safety culture or to give a charge to an existing one.

Please register for this event separately.

  • Wylie Davidson (Legacy Safety Solutions)

    Wylie Davidson

    Legacy Safety Solutions
Update from OSHA with Alexander G. Novas, Compliance Assistance Specialist, U.S. Department of Labor, OSHA
Alexander Novas
  • Alexander Novas (Compliance Assistance Specialist at U.S. Department of Labor, OSHA)

    Alexander Novas

    Compliance Assistance Specialist at U.S. Department of Labor, OSHA
Update on Relevant Legislative and Regulatory Issues with Stephen Peranich, Principal, BLANKROME Government Relations LLC
  • Stephen Peranich (Principal at Blank Rome Government Relations LLC)

    Stephen Peranich

    Principal at Blank Rome Government Relations LLC
Effective Emergency Management with Curtis Shaw, Associate Coast Director, Accident Prevention & Training Strategy, PMA
Madison BundyCurtis Shaw
  • MB

    Madison Bundy

    Labor Relations Representative at Pactific Maritime Association
  • CS

    Curtis Shaw

    Associate Coast Director, Accident Prevention & Training Strategy of Pactific Maritime Association
Exhibitor Presentations
Morning Break with Exhibitors
Best Practices to Prevent Common Injuries with Dr. Sharifa Batts, Ports America; Alex Montoya, SSA Marine; Emmet Wright, CSP, Ports America and Bill Nelson, Husky Terminal
  • Dr. Sharifa Batts (Head of Environment & Sustainability at Ports America, Inc.)

    Dr. Sharifa Batts

    Head of Environment & Sustainability at Ports America, Inc.
  • Alex Montoya (Health, Safety, & Environmental (HSE) Manager at SSA Marine)

    Alex Montoya

    Health, Safety, & Environmental (HSE) Manager at SSA Marine
  • Bill Nelson (Health and Safety at Husky Terminal and Stevedoring, LLC)

    Bill Nelson

    Health and Safety at Husky Terminal and Stevedoring, LLC
Closing Remarks
Riverside Tour of the Port of New Orleans (Space is Limited)