Group 1: Advanced Topics, 12:30 – 02:00
A Balancing Act: Understanding and Overcoming the Complexities of Intersectionality(Powered by Accenture)
Age Is Nothing But A Number: Best Practices for Engaging a Multigenerational Workforce
The Future of Supply Chains: How to Build and Benefit from Supplier Diversity
Building a Diverse Talent Pipeline Through Inclusive Hiring Practices (Powered by LSEG)
Group 2: Intersectional Topics, 02:25 – 03:45
A Limitless Future for LGBTQ+ Youth: A Business Case for The Balur Project (Presented by PANTAY)
Leveling The Playing Field: Disability Inclusion in the Workplace
What Makes a Woman? Focus on Intersectional Feminism
PFIP Film Festival: Spotlight on the LGBTQ+ Lived Experiences in Southeast Asia
Group 3: Pride Topics, 04:15 – 05:45
Raising Unicorns: A Guide for Parents and Guardians of Queer Children (Powered by ING)
A DEI in a Life: Spotlight on DEI Executives
Defining LGBTQ+ Excellence: Out, Loud and Up The Corporate Ladder (Powered by JTI)
Happily Ever After: The Rise of Queer DINKs and Furmilies