The following describes the various membership types as illustrated in the constitution. Please contact the secretariat should you have further questions regarding any issues.
Professional Member
Persons who possess a recognized Degree in Landscape Architecture and who have been a GRADUATE of a professional Institute for a minimum of 3 consecutive years, who have satisfied the Council of their relevant, varied experience in the practice of landscape architecture in the manner as set out in the Institutes Constitution, OR who are fully qualified and practicing members of an IFLA recognised Landscape Architectural Institute and have been professionally engaged in the practice of Landscape Architecture in Singapore for at least 1 year are eligible for Full Membership.
Corporate Practice
Persons, who are in the categories of Fellow or Member, and also active directors of a Landscape Architectural private practice or head of LA department of design consultancy firm may apply for their company or department to be a Recognised Practice registered with SILA. The nominated director or head of the department must be an active full time director of the company and resident in Singapore.
If the Director of the LA firm or head of the LA department of the design consultancy firm is not a SILA Member or Fellow, he needs 8 years of experience in LA design works and 80% of the staff needs to be SILA Member in order to be eligible for the recognized practice application. Application procedure: submission of organization chart, portfolio, company description and history.
Full Member of the Institute shall be persons who possess a recognised Degree in Landscape Architecture and who have been a Graduate of the Institute for a minimum of 3 consecutive years and/or who have satisfied the Council of their relevant, varied experience in the practice of Landscape Architecture in the manner as set out in the Institute's Constitution,
OR who are fully qualified and practising members of an International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) recognised Landscape Architectural Institute and have been professionally engaged in the practice of Landscape Architecture in Singapore for at least 1 year.
Application Fee Breakdown:
-Application Fee: $300
-Annual Fee/Annual Renewal Fee: $200
GRADUATES (DIP.) of the Institute shall be persons who possess a recognised Diploma in Landscape Architecture or equivalent
and have less than 3 years of professional experience working as landscape designer in Singapore. Graduate (Dip.) members who are not working in SILA Recognised Practices are strongly encouraged to attend SILA and LA Future events as part of professional development.
Application Fee Breakdown:
-Application Fee: $200
-Annual Fee/Annual Renewal Fee: $100
Graduate Member of the Institute shall be persons who possess a recognised Degree in Landscape Architecture and have less than 3 years of professional experience working as a landscape architect in Singapore.
Graduate members who are not working in SILA Recognised Practice are strongly encouraged to seek out a mentorship from a SILA Full Member with the objective of gaining sufficient experience in the wide range of disciplines required to apply for Full Member.
Application Fee Breakdown:
-Application Fee: $200
-Annual Fee/Annual Renewal Fee: $100
Affiliate Member of the Institute shall be persons working in related fields or professionals, or those who have an interest in Landscape, Design and the Environment.
Application Fee Breakdown:
-Application Fee: $300
-Annual Fee/Annual Renewal Fee: $200
Student member of the Institute shall be persons who are undergoing a course of study in Landscape Architecture or in a related field or profession at a recognised tertiary institution of learning.
Application Fee: N/A
Annual Fee/Annual Renewal Fee: $25
Note: Upon graduation, Student Members may apply for Graduate Membership. The $200 application fee for Graduate Membership will be waived if the Student Membership is still active for at least two years.