About Us

Based on a long lineage of ancient, authentic teachings from the Classics, the Tan Academy of Balance (TAB) is passionate about education in the San Cai - Three Essences of Balance: Astrology, Feng Shui and Chinese medicine. The Acupuncture focus is Balance Method or System, a highly specialized Channel Theory based area of Acupuncture known for its instant and efficient results.

The Tan Academy of Balance Hub, is about YOU, the Balance Acupuncture and San Cai community. It is here to bring you support, connect with like-minded people that speak the same language and desire continued growth, learning and expansion. You are interested diving deeper with quality teachings in boutique mentorships to continue to gain insight, confidence, and network (list your practice). You'd also like to receive help and cheers from Dr. Sonia F. Tan, DAOM, RAc, RTCMP and the TAB teaching team, and tackle complicated cases with ease and effectiveness. You're here to continue to transform your practice and network circle, and your perspective on life, whether it is just in Acupuncture, or beyond with the San Cai! We hope to see you in the TAB HUB!

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