Registration will close September 1, 2024 at

Conference Experience for Members Only

Member Price

This ticket includes:
Mix and Mingle

  • Member PricePrice:$575.-
Buy Ticket

Conference for Non-Members

Public Price

Mix and Mingle
Conference Registration

  • Public PricePrice:$675.-
Buy Ticket

Conference Experience for Student Members

Member Price / Public Price

Full time student, early career only, This ticket include mix and mingle and conference registration ONLY-

  • Member PricePrice:$500.-
  • Public PricePrice:$600.-
Buy Ticket

Conference Day Pass

Member Price / Public Price

This is for attendance for 1 conference day

  • Member PricePrice:$500.-
  • Public PricePrice:$600.-
Buy Ticket


Member Price / Public Price

This ticket is only for admission to the Gala on Saturday October 19th

  • Member PricePrice:$150.-
  • Public PricePrice:$200.-
Buy Ticket

Speaker & Volunteer Registration

Public Price

Tickets reserved only for speakers and volunteers includes mix and mingle and conference registration ONLY. Gala ticket must be purchased separately

  • Public PricePrice:$200.-
Buy Ticket

Diamond Host

Public Price

Featured as Host on all social media &
promotion materials
Acknowledgement at opening and closing session
20 Conference & Gala registration
20 DOCs signature Swag Bags
Exhibit Table

  • Public PricePrice:$40,000
Buy Ticket

Platinum Sponsor

Public Price

Feature on all social media & promotion materials
Acknowledgement at opening and closing session
10 Conference & Gala registration
10 DOCs signature Swag Bags
Exhibit Table

  • Public PricePrice:$20,000
Buy Ticket

Gold Sponsor

Public Price

Feature on all social media & promotion materials
Acknowledgement at opening and closing session
7 Conference & Gala registration
7 DOCs signature Swag Bags
Exhibit Table

  • Public PricePrice:$10,000
Buy Ticket

Silver Sponsor

Public Price

Feature on all social media & promotion materials
Acknowledgement at opening and closing session
5 Conference & Gala registration
5 DOCs signature Swag Bags
High top Exhibit Table

  • Public PricePrice:$7,000
Buy Ticket

Bronze Sponsor

Public Price

Feature on all social media & promotion materials
Acknowledgement at opening and closing session
3 Conference & Gala registration
High top Exhibit Table

  • Public PricePrice:$5,000
Buy Ticket

Blue level Sponsor

Public Price

Feature on all social media & promotion materials
Acknowledgement at opening and closing session
1 Conference & Gala registration
High Top Exhibit Table

  • Public PricePrice:$2,500
Buy Ticket

Mix and Mingle Sponsor

Public Price

Sponsor our thursday night happy hour event
Feature on all social media & promotion materials
Acknowledgement at opening and closing session
3 Conference & Gala registration
Exhibit Table

  • Public PricePrice:$10,000
Buy Ticket

Swag Bag Sponsor

Public Price

1 conference and gala registration
Feature on all social media & promotion materials
Acknowledgement at opening and closing session

  • Public PricePrice:$7,000
Buy Ticket

Conference Snack Sponsor

Public Price

1 conference and 1 gala ticket
Feature on all social media & promotion materials
Acknowledgement at opening and closing session

  • Public PricePrice:$5,000
Buy Ticket

Badge Sponsor

Public Price

Feature on all social media & promotion materials
Acknowledgement at opening and closing session
1 conference 1 gala ticket

  • Public PricePrice:$2,000
Buy Ticket

Small Business Sponsor

Public Price

High top Exhibit table
Logo on social and media promotion materials

  • Public PricePrice:$1,500
Buy Ticket

Sponsor Registration for an Attendee

Public Price

Mix and Mingle 1 conference registration

  • Public PricePrice:$675.-
Buy Ticket


Public Price

Feature on all social media & promotion materials
Acknowledgement at opening and closing session

  • Public PricePrice:$1,000
Buy Ticket

General Donation

Public Price

Anonymous donation

  • Public PricePrice:$500.-
Buy Ticket

Purple Sponsor (Sold Out)

Public Price

Feature on all social media & promotion materials
Acknowledgement at opening and closing session
2 Conference & Gala registration
High top Exhibit Table

  • Public PricePrice:$4,000
Buy Ticket