Date: 6th February, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 2:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Based on SDG No. 17 "partnership for the goals", this sub-forum concludes the ESG Integration: Virtual Forum as a session that explores how the public and private sectors may come together to strengthen efforts for sustainable development. In aligning company operations with country policies through more intimate cross-sector collaboration, society as a whole can better strive for all the SDGs and work towards more ESG-centred enterprises and businesses.
This session emphasises the role of corporate governance "G" in linking ESG work together and the importance of combined efforts in ESG transformation and sustainable practices.
You may view the list of speakers below.
Chuk-Fai Kwan, MH, JP
Chairman of The Community Investment and Inclusion Fund Committee
Mr Chuk-Fai Kwan, MH, JP is the Chairman of The Community Investment and Inclusion Fund (CIIF) Committee. Mr Kwan served the CIIF Committee as a member from 2005 to 2011 and as Vice-Chairman from 2017, before he was appointed Chairman in 2019. As the Director of Corporate Communications and Investor Relations of Hang Lung Properties Limited, Mr Kwan has rich experience in the business sector and has provided invaluable support in spearheading the development of social capital in the community through the CIIF.
The CIIF was established in 2002 to promote social capital development through encouraging mutual support in the neighbourhood, community participation, and cross-sectoral partnership. The CIIF Committee is tasked to handle applications for funding under the CIIF and advise the Government on the administration of the CIIF as well as the development of social capital in Hong Kong.
Eric Chak
District Governor 2020-21, Rotary International3450
Specialist in Orthopaedics and Traumatology
District Governor Eric graduated from Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1995. He joined Tuen Mun Hospital as an Orthopaedic Surgeon in 2007 and established his own Specialists Clinic in 2009.
DG Eric joined Rotary Club of Peninsula in 2010. Since joining Rotary, his passion and spirit is one to be admired, served as Club President for two terms, District Strategic Planning Committee Chair, District Secretary, Rotaract Support Fund Chair, Assistant Governor and Chairman of the 4th Rotary Hong Kong Ultramarathon.
He also led a team to Mongolia, with a mission to train local doctors in orthopaedic operations. One of the most impressive programs he led was the "Dream come true" project, which was a joint effort across multi Rotary Districts. Connecting Rotarians to reach out to the young disabled and underprivileged to help them achieve their ambitions.
Donna Buckland
Strategy and Development Chair, UNESCO Glocal Peace Centre
Finance Director, Prudential Corporation Asia
Vice Chair, Youth Rotary International District 3450
Former foreign young leaders representative to United Nations Nara Chapter, Japan
Donna Buckland believes in investing forward in the community. She serves as the Strategy and Development Chair at the UNESCO Global Peace Centre, Vice Chair for the Youth Committee for Rotary International District 3450, and is a Past President of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong. Donna is a recipient of the inspirational president award and a Paul Harris Fellow awarded in New Zealand for her contribution to education for youth in the South Pacific.
Professionally, Donna works as a Finance Director at Prudential Corporation Asia where she leads guidance and governance of finance operation projects in the Asia region. A Chartered Accountant in New Zealand and Australia, she received further executive education in the Manchester Global MBA programme and Oxford Saรฏd Business School.