
AmCham Membership Benefits include

  • Direct notification of all AmCham meetings and events
  • Opportunity to participate in AmCham Committees and working groups
  • Direct delivery of bi-weekly AmCham newsletter
  • Special member rate admission to AmCham events
  • Members-only access to the online directory and committee resources, such a presentations and minutes
  • Opportunities for engagement with the US Government representatives in Indonesia and visiting delegations
  • Business and social networks in Jakarta, the Asia Pacific region, and the US through the US Chamber of Commerce
  • Opportunities to interact with the US Embassy and visitors from the US government
  • Priority booking for the Annual Thanksgiving Day Golf Tournament
  • Special discounts at participating business in the AmCham Privileges Program

Membership Categories Contribution*

  • Corporate Member - Annual dues IDR 22,000,000 / company

Additional Corporate Member Representative (CMR) IDR 5,500,000 / person

  • Individual Member IDR 7,500,000 / person
  • Special Member Sliding scale

Descriptions of Membership Categories


This category is open to companies and not-for-profit entities with US business interests; this includes:

  • Companies with international headquarters in the U.S. or are traded in U.S. stock markets and with business interests in Indonesia;
  • Companies in Indonesia that import American products as a significant part of their business;
  • Companies in Indonesia that export products to America as a significant part of their business;
  • Companies and organizations that provide goods and services to U.S. companies and citizens in Indonesia.
  • Overseas companies that have business interests in Indonesia.

Each Corporate Membership includes:

  • One (1) primary member and two (2) Corporate Member Representatives(CMR)

**Should you wish to have more than two (2) Corporate Member Representatives, please reach our office for additional form.


This category is open to all individuals resident in Indonesia who otherwise would not qualify for corporate membership.


This category is open to any individual resident in Indonesia, employed by or associated with a non-profit organization, the activities and interests of which are in agreement with the objectives of AmCham Indonesia. This category may also include young professionals new to the local work-force and graduates of US colleges and universities, regardless of their employers' citizenship status.

Note: Approval for this category is at the discretion of the AmCham Indonesia Managing Director.

Membership terms are valid by calendar year, and membership fees are non-refundable

  • Corporate (COR)
    12 months
    # of card holders
    Package price
    Rp 22,000,000

    Corporate (COR) Member 

    Each Corporate Membership includes:

    -  One (1) primary member and two (2) Corporate Member Representatives(CMR)

    This is open to companies and not-for-profit entities with US business interests, including:

    • Companies with international headquarters in the US or are traded in US stock markets and have business interests in Indonesia;
    • Companies in Indonesia that import American products as a significant part of their business;
    • Companies in Indonesia that export products to America as a significant part of their business;
    • Companies and organizations that provide goods and services to US companies and citizens in Indonesia.
    • Overseas companies that have business interests in Indonesia.
  • Platinum
    12 months
    # of card holders
    Package price
    Rp 450,000,000

    AmCham Indonesia delivers its most comprehensive value suite at the Platinum Benefactor level. Platinum membership is an exclusive program designed to support the complex and challenging information, advocacy, network, and visibility needs of senior executives and the leading companies they operate.

    Platinum level companies are entitled to:

    • Serve on the President's Advisory Council
    • Access in-depth strategy sessions with AmCham Leadership
    • Personalized public and private advocacy programs
    • Receive alerts to late-breaking meetings, business news, and other opportunities
    • Priority access to exclusive meeting opportunities with high-level stakeholders
    • Concierge considerations from the AmCham support team and at AmCham events
    • Prominent corporate exposure at AmCham-hosted events and the Executive Office, on the AmCham Website, and in the Directory and other Communications material *
    • 20 representatives from your company eligible to receive the full range of Amcham membership benefits*

  • Premier
    12 months
    # of card holders
    Package price
    Rp 75,000,000

    Premier Member companies also enjoy additional promotional benefits:

    • 6 representatives from your company are eligible to receive full AmCham membership benefit

    Prominent Corporate exposure:

    • One "Spotlight Sponsorship" of a monthly Networking Evening, and all related benefits
    • Designated corporate logo placement and link on website
    • Designated corporate logo placement on AmCham signage at events
    • Designated corporate logo placement on e-mail blast for non-sponsored events
    • One full-page ad in the 2020 e-Directory and one full page listing
    • One full-page ad in the 2020 AmCham Indonesia e-Annual report
    • Two corporate e-banner advertising display on the AmCham website or Newsletter